Increase effectiveness

Men and women are not effective in bed

Increase effectiveness-Many topics of interest to adult men. The average age of men increases, the nerves, blood vessels, and muscular systems that erections depend on gradually atrophy over time, and chronic diseases begin to appear. Contrary to popular belief, potency disorders are not caused by aging, but by the diseases that accompany it. What is particularly worrying is that young men also have erectile dysfunction. This is mainly caused by stress and unhealthy lifestyle. Change your lifestyle and take care of your health, and you can increase your effectiveness-everything is in your hands.

If you want to be as strong in bed as when you were young, don't sit in front of the TV with a beer and wait for your wife to make a delicious dinner.

Peter is 56 years old this year, but he looks 10 years younger. Since school, he has been engaged in sports. Although the joints are no longer the same as before, he has not stopped living an active lifestyle. He uses swimming and exercise bikes instead of tennis and running. If there is no time to go to the swimming pool because of work, he spends at least one hour walking every day. Peter is convinced that if a person wants something, he will find a way to achieve what he wants. For more than 20 years, he has been able to maintain weight and health. Of course, by this age, muscle mass has been reduced, but for women, it is still as attractive as when they were young. His wife is completely satisfied with her husband's endurance in bed, if she wants, he "can" and every day.

Alexei also doesn't look at his 45-year-old. Unlike Peter, he looks 10 years older than his actual age. Sallow skin, dark circles and weight gain are not good signs. Even high blood pressure did not make Alexei quit smoking. He works two jobs at the same time, eats sandwiches or eats fast food, and has almost no time to exercise. Except for sports, skiing with children or swimming in the sea on vacation. And now, unfortunately, the "results" of being in bed with his wife are less and less. . . She persuaded him to see a doctor, undergo an examination, and receive treatment to restore his effectiveness. Alexei dismissed her: After all, he has avoided doctors all his life, and now he talks to the doctor about his privacy?

From a doctor's point of view, a single erectile dysfunction is not a problem and does not require any treatment. If the problem has become chronic, then the doctor will diagnose erectile dysfunction. In 80% of the cases, the cause is organic and 20% is psychological. Increased self-demand in intimate affairs can aggravate even mild temporary erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction and heart disease have common risk factors. Lack of exercise, overweight, smoking, and high blood lipids can all lead to high blood pressure, impaired fat metabolism, or decreased sugar levels in the body. Therefore, chronic erectile dysfunction can signal us possible cardiovascular disease, diabetes, prostatitis, or other serious diseases a few years before the first symptoms appear.

How to increase effectiveness

In order to avoid impotence, quit smoking, avoid alcoholism, at least 30 minutes of physical exercise every day, set a goal for yourself to normalize blood pressure 120 to 80 and blood cholesterol level-5.

You can start taking care of your health at any time-forty or fifty. It is never too late to do this, but the sooner you start, the better. If because of your career, you have no time to live an active lifestyle, eat healthy food, and pay attention to your health, now is the time to fundamentally change your lifestyle.

The foundation of sexual longevity is adequate sleep, minimal stress, proper nutrition, physical activity and regular sex life.

It is important to consult your doctor about your sexual problems as soon as possible. The test is completely painless and helps to find out whether the erectile dysfunction is physical or psychological. In addition, if necessary, choose effective treatments.

If you have a beer belly and shortness of breath, then in order to solve the erection problem, you must first deal with being overweight. Regular exercise will bring additional benefits-in addition to health, there are a slim figure, strong muscles, a lot of endorphins and high-quality sex. When moving, the blood supply to the genitals is improved, the prostate is massaged, and the muscles become firm and elastic, which has a positive effect on libido and potency. As a result, your "stamina" in bed will increase. Scientists have found that the sexual endurance of marathon runners is 30% higher than that of other men. Do you have joint pain and running is not for you? It doesn't matter-cycling, brisk walking, nordic walking will help you. Of course, it is best to consult your doctor first to understand what is safe for you and what is not. If you cannot exercise for health reasons, exercise regularly to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Kegel exercise

The exercise to train the pelvic floor muscles, called Kegel exercise, can be performed alone or in combination with other exercises. They stimulate the prostate and normalize the function of the genitals, increasing the sensitivity of the genitals. Regular exercise will teach you to better control ejaculation, improve erections, increase sexual endurance and enhance orgasm. There are two main technologies with many changes:

Exercise the muscles that control the urethra. . . When you stop the flow of urine while urinating, you will feel it-this is the sphincter (circular muscle) of the urethra. Doubt whether you are tightening the right muscles? This is checked by the movement of the penis-when the required muscle contracts, it moves up and down. Other muscles of the body, such as the gluteus maximus, abdominal muscles, or inner thighs, are in a relaxed state. Therefore, training the muscles we need includes interrupting urination-we contract muscles, interrupt urine flow, we relax, urine flow resumes, and so on several times.

Alternative technique: empty the bladder. Relax your abdomen, sides and buttocks. Under the effort of the will, alternately contract and relax the muscles used for urination. First, tighten the muscles for 2-3 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times in the morning, afternoon and evening. Increase the interval between muscle contractions and allow it to reach 10 seconds.

Train the muscles that control the anal sphincter. . . the muscles that contract the sphincter, also called the circular muscles of the anus. The best way to train these muscles is to imagine suppressing the urge to clean the intestines. Contract and relax these muscles at 6-8 second intervals. The muscles of the abdomen, legs and buttocks remain relaxed and motionless. Repeat this exercise 10 times a day, 3 times each time, making sure that the abdomen and buttocks are not moving. Gradually increase the number of contractions, 3 times a day, up to 40 times.

This exercise is convenient because you can do it anytime, anywhere—at home, office, transportation—whether standing or sitting. The results will not appear immediately, but after a few weeks of regular training, you will feel an increase in male strength.

These exercises were invented in the 1940s by urologist Arnold Kegel for patients complaining of urinary incontinence. After a course of exercise, patients noticed increased sensitivity in their genital area and felt a stronger orgasm. These exercises were then completed by men and confirmed their positive effects on enhancing erections and preventing premature ejaculation.

Nutrition increases male strength.

Nutritionists say that a healthy diet has a positive effect on potency. But unbalanced food, including fast food, can lead to obesity, which directly affects the prostate: the blood supply to the groin organs becomes insufficient, and the ability to achieve high-quality erections decreases.

Experts say that another factor that threatens male power is eating meat too frequently. According to scientists, meat can cause high blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, there is a risk of heart and blood vessel disease, high blood pressure, and overweight. All these combined will have a negative impact on men's sex life.

Diet to enhance potency

Stop eating high-salt and high-fat foods. Choose foods that can resist oxidative stress in the body and neutralize free radicals. First, these are whole grains and dairy products from fruits-apples, grapes, dates, kiwis, figs, cherries, as well as green vegetables and beans.

Add olives, sesame seeds and most importantly pumpkin oil to salads and other dishes. These dishes are known for their unique prostatitis prevention properties. You need to consume two tablespoons of this oil every day. Whole pumpkin seeds also have a positive effect on the prostate-4 tablespoons a day.

Relationship Psychology

Older men with young partners or mistresses should experiment in bed more frequently, and they are less likely to be bored in relationships. On the contrary, they are afraid to use their full capabilities quickly without satisfying their partners. The psychological pressure of this kind of thinking can cause things that men are afraid of will happen-they won't get an erection at the right time. And because men give up on themselves, it is only a matter of time before erectile dysfunction occurs.

Another problem in sexual relations is boredom and monotony. This is especially true for couples who have lived together for many years. Is there anything you can do? Of course, the main thing is that both parties want this and tell each other without hesitation.

One of the secrets of sexual longevity lies in the love of experimentation and the ability to share your erotic fantasies. Imagine having sex with several women or strangers while masturbating? this is OK. According to research by German scientists, one of the most popular male fantasies is threesome, followed by sex in the street, and third in public places. Followed by bondage, leather and latex, BDSM, and having sex with strangers. Women also have sexual fantasies, although they tend to be more romantic than men. Most fantasies are still fantasies. But they are the key to meeting your body's needs. They embody your hidden desires, show how you feel about your partner, your creativity and ability in experimentation, including in this field. Experts say that fantasy is a simple way to make your life richer and more colorful, and to reduce the need for physical betrayal. To do this, you just need to share your fantasies with your partner, and maybe you can realize some dreams. Don't be afraid to use pornographic movies or videos, various products from sex shops, and role-playing games. experiment. This will help you stay happy and prolong your sex life in the next few years.

First bell

Erectile dysfunction should be the first bell for a man, because his health is not all normal. Timely diagnosis and prescribed treatment can prevent the development of cardiovascular disease, diabetes or endocrine disorders.

The andrologist will determine the cause of erectile dysfunction and prescribe medications based on sildenafil or other substances to treat erectile dysfunction, as well as dietary supplements based on plant substances (ginseng, yohimbine and possibly other treatments).

Effectiveness exercise

General advice: Start doing strength exercises 2 times a week, 10-15 times each time, then try to train every day and increase the number of repetitions. Before doing the exercises, you must do 5 minutes of warm-up and stretching exercises (also 5 minutes).

Raise the pelvis to increase effectiveness

Exercise 1. . . Raise the pelvis: Lie on your back on the floor, lower your arms along your body, and bend your legs at your knees. Lean on one leg and straighten the other leg while raising the pelvis. Keep your upper back on the floor. Lift your leg and move slowly up and down. Then switch legs. During the exercise, keep the pelvis raised and do not lower it to the ground.

Exercise scissors to increase effectiveness

Exercise 2. . . Scissors: Lie on your stomach and rest your head on your curved arm. Tighten the muscles of your back and buttocks and lift your legs. Use your feet to do scissor exercises.

Abdominal exercises to increase effectiveness

Exercise #3. . . Abdominal muscles: Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, and open your elbows. Bend your knees at a right angle. Slowly raise your head and upper body to your knees. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise. The lower back was not lifted, and it was still pressed on the floor. Do this exercise slowly, don't twitch violently, use your abdominal muscles.

Twist the exercise to increase effectiveness

Exercise 4. . . "Twist": Lie on your back with your legs bent at your knees. Place one leg behind the knee of the other leg. Put your hands behind your head and open your elbows. Slowly raise your head, elbows, and torso, pulling as hard as possible to the opposite knee. Slowly return to the starting position. After a few exercises, switch to one leg and switch to the other side. Do not lift your spine off the ground while doing this exercise. Tighten the pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles.

Pelvic swinging exercise to improve effectiveness

Exercise 5."Pelvic swing". Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Tighten the hip muscles and push the pelvis forward to keep the muscles tense. Then relax the hips and move the pelvis back. Return the pelvis to its original position and repeat the exercise.